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 您现在的位置:环宇包装网 » Guangzhou huasheng packaging machinery company  (会员资质:注册时间 15年, 积分 265)
   公司简介 - Guangzhou huasheng packaging machinery company
    Located in Guangzhou city. Guangzhou Huasheng Packaging Machinery Manufacturing Co.,ltd is professional manufacturer of automatic packing machine and filling machine. With years of experience in packing machinery industry, we had developed several product series, such as granule VFFS machine, Powder VFFS machine, Liquid VFFS machine and irregular product VFFS machine.
We also had implemented a strict and complete quality control system, which ensures that each product can meet customer’s quality requirements. And under this quality system, we are and we will always keep developing and producing new products for customers all around the world.

所在地区: Guangdong - Guangzhou
邮编/地址: NO.1/XINJIE ROAD,   查看地图
联 络 人: tina wang
电 话:
注册时间: 2010-07-05 10:47:20
E-mail:  点击发送e-mail给对方
即时交流: QQ在线交谈 skype在线会话
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